Why you NEED a Personal Trainer/Coach

Coach Nyree training client Di with boxing techniques

So many people disregard having a Personal Trainer for some silly reasons, and today I’ll share just a few that I’ve noticed over the past 8-10 years in fitness! And of course, the reasons WHY you SHOULD see a Personal Trainer, at least once in your fitness life span! Here we go.

1. The Beginner:

I see you, swiping into the gym, putting your bag down, grabbing your earphones and drink bottle, and heading right over to the cardio machines, not because you want to warm up your body for a workout, but because you have NO idea, what the heck to do when you get to the gym! You know your technique is poor and you have no idea how to use that big ass contraption over there in the corner (it’s just the hacksquat machine, it’s not scary I promise!). Look every starts somewhere, but if you’re unsure of something, always ask one of the staff, a friendly gym member, or a Personal Trainer to guide you! No-one wants injuries after all!

2. The “Advanced”:

See the quotation marks? The “advanced” is a person who has been in the gym for years and years, has terrible form, over does the volume on chest and biceps, never trains legs, avoids muscle groups, oh and they’ve never seen results!

You see, some people think that hiring a PT is beneath them, that they are too experienced to NEED a PT. But usually, it’s just their ego that is fragile. They know that even after the 10 years they’ve been training, they still don’t see results when they train. They also train with too much volume, and train too often, or just simply are never consistently going to the gym so they can never really progress. They also have NO IDEA how to eat for their goals! They never have a structured program to follow, and they just go in and train how they feel on the day. You see, they’re, sadly, too stubborn to ask for help. So they’d rather just keep not getting results to save their ego.

And I get it, because I used to do exactly that! But you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t ask for guidance. I’m not saying you gotta have a PT forever, but perhaps a couple months would do you some good!

3. The Injured:

Those who have injures, usually need some form of guidance from a Physiotherapist and a Personal Trainer, to ensure they stick to their rehab and have someone to modify exercises where needed.

No-one likes rehab training, because I hate to say it, it’s boring! But, it’s important and 100% necessary, if you want to heal your injury and not have more in the future. Take this from someone whos’s done some damage in their time from repetitive movements and heavy lifting in her Powerlifting preps!

If you have accountability and someone to ensure you progress your strength, a PT is an important exercise professional to have in your corner!

4. Accountability:

If you are in a phase of your life in which you just cannot seem to get yourself to the gym, and need an appointment to ensure you do go, having a PT can help! Not only are you creating the neural pathway in your brain for the habit of going to the gym (so that you can keep repeating it and being consistent), but you’re also showing up for a commitment!

You wouldn’t want to let your Coach down, now would ya! Such a powerful reason to have a PT. Especially if you have a crazy busy schedule and find it difficult to prioritise training. Your PT will make sure you prioritise your gym sessions!

The other piece is NUTRITION accountability! Having someone to check in with each week or fortnight, can help you to stay on track with your healthy eating habits. I can’t tell you how important this step is. Most people struggle to do this part of their own, and as we all know, you cannot out train a bad diet!

Most people understand these days that nutrition is like 90% of results! Without it, you can wish that toned and fit bod goodbye, no matter how much training you do!

Having a PT/Coach, can ensure you progress, lose weight weight, grow muscle, and guide you to change your lifestyle habits FOR GOOD!

5. Need to be pushed:

If you struggle with training hard, or knowing how the heck to do so, then you might need a Personal Trainer to teach you! Your PT will teach you what failure is and in relation to failure, where you should be in your training. Little hint: You should be training a few reps from failure every set. This means that the weight and reps, are challenging the muscles enough for them to grow and get stronger.

6. Sport Specific Goals:

This type of person has very specific goals that are in line with performance. With performance based goals, you’ll get the most out of your training and get to your goal faster, when you have your PT watch your lifts in real time. It is FAR EASIER to correct form in person. And if you want to take your competition seriously, you will need to ensure technique is nailed first. Otherwise it presents issues when intensity increased mid prep!

Trust me when I say I’ve Coached clients in person and online and it is 100% easier for both the Coach and client, to know exactly how a lift, or movement is executed by the client. It ensure there is no guess work, and bad habits in lifting don’t go unnoticed. The other important factor is, changing or adjusting a program when required (especially for the peak week). This includes nutrition too! Any last minute questions and peak week discussions can be done best in person.

And lastly, mindset related coaching is usually best done in person. This is a HUGE aspect of Coaching clients for competitions and athletic performances. A client can have excellent technique and strength, but if their mindset is all over the shop on the day, so will their performance. Trust me, I know, it’s happened to me!

7. You’ve tried everything and can’t get results:

This type of person is majority of the population. Sadly, it’s true! A LOT of people just do not know how to get results. They’ve tried all the fads and detoxes and hours of cardio, they jump on and off of programs and all the fancy instagram workout plans and they just keep yoyoing their weight every year! Back and forth and getting absolutely no where, but wasting their money in the process!

What if I told you that this kind of person can 100% LOSE WEIGHT, IF they seek the right guidance?!

I have programs with this thought in mind. Because a lot of women just can’t seem to find something to stick to. The problem lies within consistency. If you try a workout plan without guidance and accountability, it is SOOO much harder to stick to. I know, because I’ve been there!

My programs have a Community and Coach who cheer you on, even when you normally would give up.

I won’t give up on you!

If you give 110%, watch me give that right back to ya!

This type of gal wants to:

Be CONFIDENT and feel SEXY for their partner

Feel GOOD in their clothing and maybe even wear a bikini this year!

Look in the mirror and LOVE what they see

FEEL healthy and fit

Ooze with ENERGY and JOY

They really just want to be HAPPY in their skin for the first time since high school!

Wouldn’t it be awesome to get your body and life back! To become the healthiest and happiest most confident self!?

If this is you, and you want to START becoming the woman you’re destined to become, jump over to my self guided plans page, and subscribe to start your transformation TODAY!

Alternatively, if you’re local, connect with me via email nyree@coachnyree.com

And let’s start putting your goals into ACTION!

SO there you have it, reasons why you would benefit from having a Personal Trainer/Coach!

xx Coach Nyree